Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Morning Kavvanah, 1/4/2011 - Comfort Zone

Our chapel is being painted slowly, and so this morning's minyan was held in the Blue Room, a far less inspiring location for tefillah. In a quick poll this morning, I determined that at least half of the attendees felt less comfortable in the temporary digs. There is indeed something to the idea of maqom qavua, one's regular place for davening.

But more than that, tefillah requires a framework of regularity to work properly. It's not just the maqom qavua, but also the siddur, the mindset, the paraphernalia (i.e. tallit and tefillin), and so forth. Certainly, every now and then an inspiring moment can be had elsewhere, but one's own comfort zone is the best place in which to hear the qol demamah daqah, the still small voice.

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